Service Design

Woolworths Customer Experience - 2021

How can Woolworths continuously improve it’s digital capabilities to grow consumer adoption of digital channels?

This discovery piece is an explorative piece I worked on to identify gaps and areas of opportunities within Woolworth’s current user journey.

I worked on a landscape review of current top digital grocery competitors, and identified the top opportunities that Woolworths can adopt to stay competitive by mapping out potential future state journeys and low fidelity prototypes.

Health API Gateway - 2022

The Health API gateway will be a single trusted point of access to the National Digital Health Infrastructure and National Digital Health Ecosystem and related services, reducing the cost both technical and operational, this will drive standardisation and interoperability across the health system.

As a service designer, I helped identify areas of opportunity through analysis of current landscape, user feedback, systems and business priorities. Then provided ongoing design SME input through the development phase.

Methodologies: Landscape Review, User Workshops, Customer Personas, Customer Journey Maps, Ecosystem Maps, Service Blueprint

Digital Health Landscape Map - 2022

To inform a program of work on aligning opportunities for near real-time sharing of clinical information between health care settings.

I worked on identifying all current areas of work each state & jurisdiction is working on through workshops and research and to identify gaps in the current landscape.

We identified over 120 initiatives and 48 that were in scope. These initiatives were analysed in detail to understand target state user journeys as well as to surface the recurring themes within them.

Methodologies: Landscape Review, User Workshops, Journey Maps, Ecosystem Maps